Meeting held September 22, 1965.  Called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Secretaries report given and accepted with the following corrections: the Swingle sisters will perform at the concert not the swindle sisters.
Pete Anderson was also nominated for historian.
Norm Slutsky was also nominated for recording secretary.

Roger Crouse entertained a motion to and the meeting at 7:45 so that the brotherhood could attend the foreign students convocation.  MSP.


First vice president reported on foreign students convocation, Ushers, campus blood drive chairman, and football rally.
A straw vote was taken as two people are willing to attend camp forest Lake.

Second the reported that a new directory will be available in two weeks
there will be a smoker on 8 p.m. Thursday, September 23 in the Worcester room of the Student Union with Ron Turgeon speaker.
There will be a smoker at 8 p.m. Wednesday, September 29 at Memorial Hall Dean Hopkins speaking.
The pledge initiation must be memorized for October 8.
There will be no shingles for those brothers who haven't paid their initiation fees.

Third VP reported that the banquet in the spring will be held May 7.

There is no treasures report because the books of the lot of it.  There will be a movie in Mahar auditorium 8:00 p.m. February 26.

Old Business

Ticket sales -- we will not have to participate in the Student Union is planning to have our tickets sold through their office according to Dr. Norfsinger.

Judge Cusson reported on the loan fund for Harry Gibley, and on his suggestion the check was presented to the alumni fund.

historian -- Pete Anderson
recording secretary George E. Dimmick
alumni secretary -- Gil Daniels

There will be a meeting with GSS in the Student Union Tuesday, September 28.

Meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
George E. Dimock
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes